A King James, Soul Winning, Independent Fundamental Baptist Church in Cove Arkansas

About Us

We Are:

Independent-which means we are not a part of, nor subject to, any convention, association, board, or any other hierarchy. We are an autonomous, self-governing body.

Fundamental-which means we believe in the fundamentals of the faith, which include 1) the inerrancy of the King James Version of the scriptures, 2) the virgin birth of Jesus Christ 3) Christ’s literal bodily resurrection and return to earth at the second coming, and 4) The substitutionary atonement of Christ.

Baptist- which means we adhere to the following doctrines: 1) The Bible is the final authority for the church, 2) Every believer can pray directly to God, 3) Baptism is one of two ordinances practiced by the church and is by immersion in water after salvation 4) The Lord’s Supper, the second ordinance, represents the blood and body of Jesus.


We encourage you to visit in any or all our services.


Church the way it used to be!